The Wolf Springs Elementary School design features a large, 3 story elliptical shaped main entry lobby, which functions as the orienting space for the building. This lobby takes advantage of natural daylighting from abundant clerestories on all sides and features two large ornamental staircases that descend to the lower level lobby and classrooms. Both floors of each classroom wing include a FEMA rated storm shelter and shared learning areas.
On the exterior, building materials include a combination of masonry and metal panels. Site upgrades include 3 enlarged exterior play areas for different age groups as well as reconfigured parking layouts, which position both parking areas on the same side of the building. This reconfiguration affords better supervision and control, especially during drop off & pick-up periods. Additionally, delivery and loading dock areas are screened from patron parking & surrounding homes.
Overland Park, Kansas
Blue Valley USD 229
86,480 SF
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